Wednesday, July 15, 2009

per vivere/pra viver/to live

la normalita' e' quando la volonta' va nella stessa direzione del desiderio

a normalidade e' quando a vontade vai na mesma direçao do deseijo

Normality is when the will goes in the same direction of the wish

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


ci sono tanti modi di dire la verita'prima di toccare la bugia
trova quello che non ti brucia le dita

tem tantos jeitos de dizer a verdade antes de tocar a mentira
ache o que nao queima seus dedos

there's so many ways to tell the truth before touching a lie
find the one that doesn't burn your fingers

Monday, July 13, 2009

making progress
making pasta
making sense

Friday, July 10, 2009


i puntini sulle "i" non mi hanno mai interessato piu' di tanto.
ho sempre pensato che anche senza puntino si capisse dalla parola stessa che era una i.
in realta non capivo che se la i ha un puntino evito un lavoro a chi legge, ovvero di assicurarsi che non sia un altra vocale o un numero.

os pontinhos sobre a letra "i" nunca me interessou muito.
sempre pensava que, mesmo sem pontinho, fosse facil entender que era uma "i" desde a palavra mesma.
Na realidade nao entendia que se a "i" tem um pontinho, eu evito um trabalho pra o ter que confirmar que nao seja otra vocal ou um numero.

the dot on the "i" never really interested me.
I always thought that, even with no dot, i was easy to understand it's an "i" from the word itself.
The truth is that I didn't realize that if the "i" had a dot, I'd avoid the effort to the reader of having to make sure it's not another vowel or a number....

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Photos kindly provided and taken by Rauk Garcia

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

at elegant parties many women don't realize that their high heels shoes are way bigger than their size....
remember women, shoes should fit like a glove...
you shouldn't cut your toe to fit in them (like Cinderella's step sisters)
but your foot should never be able to slide up front and leave some shoe no no.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

il desiderio e' figlio della mancanza

o desejo e' filho da falta

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Flying to Italy then Spain.
San Javier, Spain on July 4
Spoleto, Italy festival dei due mondi July 10.

On airplanes I always feel very emotional, and end up crying ... but right now, on this plane... I feel serene and too busy with all the dreams I want to make come true ... Soon so sooooooon.
Aw! I just saw its an airbus 330... If it's not Boeing I am not going!!!! .... Guess it's too late uh?!
Anyway guys, a little poem for you:

There's days that pass without saying a word
there's days that pass screaming and fighting
there's days that never pass

there's days until there's no more days

Tem Dias que passam sem falar nada
Tem dias que passam gritando e brigando
Tem Dias que nuca passam

Tem Dias ate nao ter mais Dias